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Metering as a Service from ZENNER: The most advanced way of collecting data

Nowadays, collecting data from meter readings is often still done directly on site or via self-reading using so-called reading cards. To support the switch to digital data collection via radio, ZENNER has developed a new solution package for the economical remote reading of water meters: Metering as a Service (MaaS).

Saarbrücken, September 2024. In view of the current requirements for water management, conventional reading methods are no longer sustainable. The challenges are well known: Customers can often not be reached during on-site appointments, the need for personnel is high and the preparation, follow-up and implementation of readings are associated with considerable effort. The data quality can also vary greatly due to manual entry or the recorded data can be partially incorrect. Sustainable water management requires data with high frequency, that is of high quality and high availability. Metering as a Service (MaaS) from ZENNER offers these advantages and combines modern measurement technology, innovative wireless technologies and the right app for configuration.

IUWS: First ZENNER water meter with parallel wireless technology

IUWS: First ZENNER water meter with parallel wireless technology

ZENNER has been producing its own water meters for exactly 100 years and brings a wealth of experience and new innovations to the market. This also includes a new generation of the IUWS ultrasonic domestic water meter with the new parallel wireless technology function. This makes it possible to transmit measurement data simultaneously via two different wireless technologies – Wireless M-Bus (WM-Bus) and LoRaWAN®. This gives customers the flexibility to use both wireless reading methods at the same time.

This procedure is helpful, for example, in peripheral areas where LoRa network coverage is not yet sufficient. There may be isolated hurdles in remote reading via LoRaWAN®. With the parallel wireless function, water suppliers receive a reliable fallback level: The meters can also be read via Wireless M-Bus in the walk-by/drive-by method – also without entering the property and under the highest security standards. In the future, ZENNER wants to expand its portfolio to include further water and heat meters with the parallel wireless function.

ZENNER Device Manager Basic App for Ultrasonic Water Meter Configuration

As part of the installation of the IUWS ultrasonic domestic water meter, the ZENNER Device Manager Basic configuration app plays a decisive role. The free app makes it possible to configure ultrasonic water meters quickly and efficiently and adapt them to specific customer requirements. The parallel wireless function can also be easily activated and configured using the app, which significantly reduces the implementation effort for utilities companies. NFC (Near Field Communication) makes the configuration of the meters user-friendly and does not require any additional tools or devices.

Zenner Device Manager Basic App for Ultrasonic Water Meter Configuration

Metering as a Service by ZENNER: Innovation for remote water meter reading

The IUWS with parallel wireless and the ZENNER Device Manager Basic app are part of the new Metering as a Service: “Our complete Metering as a Service solution represents the most advanced solution in the field of Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI) for remote water meter reading and far exceeds conventional metering methods in terms of quality and cost-effectiveness,” explains René Claussen, Head of IoT and Digital Solutions at ZENNER International GmbH & Co. KG.

Screenshot metering as a service app

Consumption data is recorded with the IUWS ultrasonic water meter and transmitted in parallel via the two wireless technologies — LoRaWAN® and Wireless M-Bus. In the next step, the measured values are read out via a LoRaWAN® gateway with access to the Europe-wide LoRaWAN® network of ZENNER Connect or by means of appropriate hardware and the Device Manager Basic app from ZENNER. All collected data is available centrally in the ISO 27001-certified ZENNER Datahub data platform and can be transferred from there to billing or ERP systems via common interfaces.

It is also possible to evaluate all data in the self-developed MaaS app. In addition, ZENNER offers its customers an installation and onboarding service for the corresponding meters, sensors and software. MaaS technical systems meet the current requirements for data protection and security and are continuously being further developed, e.g. through the use of encryption methods in accordance with BSI TR-2102.

“The innovative combination of our ultrasonic water meter, state-of-the-art reading technologies and Europe’s largest LoRaWAN® network now offers water suppliers the easiest entry into digitalization,” says Claussen. Metering as a Service meets all the requirements for a future-proof and sustainable water supply. At the same time, the solution lays the foundation for variable water tariffs and supports water utilities in efficiently controlling processes in the field of water management. In the future, MaaS will also enable other value-added solutions, such as the monitoring of process control systems or the integration of energy data management systems.